It Has Begun Again! – MORTAL KOMBAT 11: AFTERMATH Review

NetherRealm Studios decided to surprise players with their first ever expansion pack that includes more than just another set of characters but a second campaign. Is it the expansion the game needed? Let’s find out! Before we begin however, I’d like to quickly give my thoughts on Mortal Kombat 11‘s first season, I guess oneContinue reading “It Has Begun Again! – MORTAL KOMBAT 11: AFTERMATH Review”

Flawed But Fun – PREDATOR: HUNTING GROUNDS First Impressions

The newest game from Illfonic after Friday The 13th is Predator: Hunting Grounds, another 1v4 survivors vs killer multiplayer game in the same vein as Friday The 13th and Dead By Daylight. Does it match up to those two or is it a dishonorable hunt? To delve into this, I’m going to split this reviewContinue reading “Flawed But Fun – PREDATOR: HUNTING GROUNDS First Impressions”

Too Much All Wrapped Up In One – THE MUMMY (2017) Review

Have you ever watched a movie that you wanted to love so much but just couldn’t bring yourself to do it? Like you see many great ideas at play but also many terrible ideas that it becomes this mixed bag that leaves you disappointed? That’s The Mummy (2017) for me. Enjoying our content? Help keepContinue reading “Too Much All Wrapped Up In One – THE MUMMY (2017) Review”

A Dark And Underrated Reboot – THE WOLFMAN (2010) Review

Enjoying our content? Help keep the site alive by donating to our PayPal “The Beast will have its day…the Beast will out.” ~John Talbot The Wolfman (2010) With the release of 2020’s The Invisible Man, I decided to revisit one of the last big reboots of the classic Universal monsters with 2010’s The Wolfman directed byContinue reading “A Dark And Underrated Reboot – THE WOLFMAN (2010) Review”

Fun Time At Sonic Speed: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Movie Review

For me, there has always been hope for movies based on video games. Sure, there are the…well, let’s face it, straight up AWFUL attempts at adapting classic games to the big screen like Street Fighter, Max Payne, or Bloodrayne but for every five of those stinkers, I usually find myself surprised with a random gemContinue reading “Fun Time At Sonic Speed: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Movie Review”


“All mankind waits upon our decision. A whole world looks to see what we will do. We cannot fail their trust. We cannot fail to try.” ~John F. Kennedy As a child, I loved the exploits of Batman throughout his movies and TV shows. Superman has always been my favorite hero but I didn’t considerContinue reading “An Overlooked Masterpiece: JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE NEW FRONTIER MOVIE REVIEW”

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