Welcome Back To The Game, Saw! – SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW Movie Review

GAME ON. Another big franchise makes its return and it’s one that I happen to be a big fan of. Mock me if you like but I am a fanatic of the Saw movies. The first seven chapters features some imaginative traps along with an intriguing and complex storyline that continued to get more andContinue reading “Welcome Back To The Game, Saw! – SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW Movie Review”

So Much Yes!!!! – SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK Movie Review

Originally, I chose to skip this movie since many people in my circles said it was terrible and the last time I saw a horror movie produced by Guillermo Del Toro, it resulted in Mama which was one of my least favorite horror movies ever made. The advertising really didn’t sell me on the filmContinue reading “So Much Yes!!!! – SCARY STORIES TO TELL IN THE DARK Movie Review”

A Dark And Underrated Reboot – THE WOLFMAN (2010) Review

Enjoying our content? Help keep the site alive by donating to our PayPal “The Beast will have its day…the Beast will out.” ~John Talbot The Wolfman (2010) With the release of 2020’s The Invisible Man, I decided to revisit one of the last big reboots of the classic Universal monsters with 2010’s The Wolfman directed byContinue reading “A Dark And Underrated Reboot – THE WOLFMAN (2010) Review”

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