Everything I Wanted And More – MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) Movie Review

The BEST Video Game Movie Ever Made? YES. For those who are arriving to this blog for the first time, I am a huge fanatic when it comes to Mortal Kombat. It’s been an important franchise to me since I was born and I have exposed myself to every form of Mortal Kombat media thatContinue reading “Everything I Wanted And More – MORTAL KOMBAT (2021) Movie Review”

Fun Time At Sonic Speed: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Movie Review

For me, there has always been hope for movies based on video games. Sure, there are the…well, let’s face it, straight up AWFUL attempts at adapting classic games to the big screen like Street Fighter, Max Payne, or Bloodrayne but for every five of those stinkers, I usually find myself surprised with a random gemContinue reading “Fun Time At Sonic Speed: SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Movie Review”

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