Truth And Justice – Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) Movie Review

This is what true justice looks like…

To start this, I was someone who always believed that the infamous Snyder Cut did exist. However, I also believed that Warner Bros. would not release it in our lifetime. Look how long it took for them to release Richard Donner’s Superman II. So, while I was all for the Snyder Cut, I did not believe it would happen. Then, us DC fans were shocked when Zack Snyder himself unveiled that not only would it be coming but it would be an exclusive to the new HBO Max streaming service. I was ecstatic and could not wait to witness Zack get what he deserved back in 2017.

Thanks to WarnerMedia for letting me see the film early so I can take my time to process my thoughts and write this review! While I originally did not hate the Joss Whedon version when I first saw it, I do now after seeing how much he destroyed what Zack Snyder created.

What we got in 2017 is a children’s fan film in comparison to what Mr. Snyder has given us. Those who thought that Zack Snyder’s version would just be an extended cut of the same mediocre movie are 100% wrong and I am so glad that they are.

A New Age Of Heroes

The four hour runtime is not just for padding. That four hours allows Zack to not only bring back existing characters like Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman but introduce The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg. All six of these heroes are given their own personal stories and a chance to be developed with almost all scenes featuring these characters playing out entirely different.

No longer is Batman this weak and unimportant character like in the Whedon version. This is Ben Affleck’s Batman at arguably his best as he now feels like a continuation of what was established in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. He’s dark, he’s a badass but he’s evolved since Dawn Of Justice, becoming the leader figure that the team needs. Ben Affleck’s passion for the character comes through with Snyder as the director: he no longer looks depressed or bored.

Wonder Woman is no longer there to just be eye-candy. Gal Gadot brings the same amount of warmth and compassion she brought in her first solo movie while still acting as a fearsome warrior that can take on interdimensional beings. Gone are the scenes that Joss Whedon used to butcher the character: nearly all her scenes are different, much like Ben’s Batman scenes.

Aquaman is less of a laid-back surfer and he’s much closer to the loner we see at the beginning of James Wan’s movie. He’s not given an incredible amount of development but the extra scenes under Snyder’s vision are much better than what we got in 2017. Jason Momoa is still the badass Aquaman we’ve always known as loved since he debuted but executed so much better under Zack Snyder’s vision.

Finally, there are the two that honestly shocked me: Ezra Miller’s Flash and Ray Fisher’s Cyborg. I enjoyed these two the most in the 2017 version but now? They were my favorite characters in the whole movie. Ezra’s Barry Allen is no longer this scared and incompetent clown: he’s got more control of the Speed Force, he’s more confident, he actually contributes to the fights rather than just running around and making quips. Sure, he still provides the comedic relief but it’s healthy comic relief that actually enhances the scene. And Barry is able to take things much more seriously when its required, allowing Ezra to show off his skills as an actor. Barry ends up being one of the most important members of the team and his Speed Force scenes are mind-bogglingly well-done, especially in the climax. This has me too excited for his upcoming spinoff movie!

My absolute favorite though comes in the form of Cyborg, who is already one of my favorite comic book characters. Ray Fisher suffered the most when it came to the Whedon version. Whedon took this character and completely destroyed him whereas Snyder essentially made this movie his origin story and there is so much shown: from his accident, his love for his mother, his tension with his father, and slowly becoming a superhero over the course of the movie.

Cyborg comes so much closer to what Marv Wolfman created back in Tales Of The New Teen Titans. He’s suffering because he’s lost his entire life but he grows and becomes more accepting of himself as Victor Stone AKA Cyborg. Easily, some of the best scenes are with Ray Fisher just going off, nailing this character perfectly in my eyes. Even his CGI is a million times better than what we got in 2017. Ray Fisher to me IS Cyborg and he deserves a chance to return and if Warner Bros. is really going to let Ray go and enable what the filmmakers did to him? Then they don’t deserve him. #IStandWithRayFisher

A Symbol Of Hope

Remember the terrible CGI lip? Remember the cringe-worthy dialogue? Remember the absolute waste of Henry Cavill’s talents that made the first two movies feel pointless? All of that is completely gone! Almost every scene featuring Superman is different and even the stuff that was featured in the Whedon version is extended and plays out much different. This is the true finale to Superman’s story arc with Henry Cavill becoming the Superman fans know and love from the comics while still maintaining the themes and style of Snyder’s world.

The black suit was enough to make me want to drop to my knees but everything he does in the climax is so much better in every way. Even him rediscovering who he truly is allowed Henry Cavill to showcase that he is not just a brilliant actor but was born to play this character.

Zack Snyder also manages to homage scenes from Man Of Steel and, as a Superman fangirl and a lover of Man Of Steel, I was crying. Warner Bros. I don’t ask for much in life, I really don’t. I’m a happy fangirl who is willing to watch any DC project and I’m likely going to love it. That being said: GIVE HENRY CAVILL ANOTHER SOLO FILM!

Villainy Is Scary Again

The villains that make us feel sorry for them or empathize with them are always cool but it can get old. Zack Snyder does not pull his punches with these villains. Let’s start with one of the biggest flaws with the 2017 version and that is Steppenwolf who was a lame villain with horrible CGI. Even Ciaran Hinds stated that it was not the character he worked so hard on.

Zack Snyder’s Steppenwolf is a beast from beginning to end. From the biomechanical armor that is beautifully animated, the new alien-like design, and more. Steppenwolf is a fearsome alien warrior that earns the Justice League’s attention through his deadly methods, strength, and willpower. Most of the reason why Zack Snyder’s Justice League even has an R-rating is because of Steppenwolf. He slices people into pieces, his voice is demonic, and he tortures people in horrific ways. On top of all that, Steppenwolf actually has his own motivations and story for why he’s doing all these horrific things. I’d argue that Steppenwolf is the best villain in the DC Extended Universe thus far.

And he’s not even the main villain because we are also introduced to Darkseid who, in my personal opinion, was portrayed PERFECTLY. Ray Porter’s modulated voice sounds exactly like how I expect Darkseid to sound and his design is straight out of an Injustice game. He’s used just enough to hype up the character without him feeling shoehorned. His presence is made clear and I cannot wait to possibly see him in a sequel.

Music Of The Gods

Danny Elfman’s score in the 2017 version was…meh. Nothing really stood out except for his theme for the Speed Force. Well, Zack Snyder teamed up with Tom Holkenborg for the new soundtrack and it is insanely unique. It reminds me of the soundtracks from the new Doom games with heavy metal mixing with orchestral compositions to create some banging themes for the characters.

This one is my favorite of the soundtrack

Zack Snyder At His Best

I’ve always been a fan of his work since I saw Watchmen in 2009 and he inspired me to want to pursue filmmaking. I adored Man Of Steel, I love the Ultimate Cut of Dawn Of Justice, but his best work can be found in his Justice League.

Zack has a way of filming battles and powers in such a way that it’s unlike any other filmmaker. The way he handles the Speed Force is so original and unique that I can’t compare it to anything else. Every character is given so much more to do in the fights as well, making the climax of this movie making the previous two movies look like nothing. However, that is not to say that Zack is only good for action: all of the characters’ dialogue is more thought out and meaningful and under his direction, the chemistry between the actors all come through.

Everything feels so much more natural and the four hour runtime gives Zack the time to flesh every character our beautifully. Even a character like Silas Stone had me smiling, laughing, and tearing up because Zack made me care about him. Whereas in the 2017 version, Silas felt like an afterthought, much like Cyborg.

Every single frame of Zack Snyder’s Justice League was jaw-droppingly beautiful and he paces the movie so well that it does not feel like four hours at all. Actually, I checked my phone to see the time, already a little blown away by what I had been seeing so far and I still had another two hours left!


Most can agree that Warner Bros. really did not treat Zack well and they pushed him into a corner before forcing him out completely. How fitting, that Zack would push back in the most non-aggressive manner possible.

Through his version and his extra scenes that he was able to shoot, Zack sets up more stories to come. These fan service moments are perfect, including Harry Lennix finally unveiled as Martian Manhunter: a cameo I was fangirling over to the point of tears.

The meeting of Deathstroke and Lex Luthor was actually done way better to set up the Legion Of Doom. It’s a similar scene but extended and with a bomb drop that will make things intense in a sequel.

The Knightmare future setting up another Justice League movie features an amazing first-time sharing of the screen between Ben Affleck’s Batman and Jared Leto’s Joker. These two were great together and I cannot wait to see them reunite for the rumored Batman series. Though the CGI was very unpolished, I didn’t mind because it all executed so well that it was impossible not to love it.

If Warner Bros. does not greenlight these projects for the future? There is going to be a lot of angry fans at their doors. A perfect payback that will guarantee that Zack will be brought back and I, for one, hope he does.

Overall Thoughts

I could go on and on about how much I loved Zack Snyder’s Justice League. It was one of the most thrilling cinematic experiences of my life and it was all from my living room. The characters, the story, the action, the visuals, the music, everything was absolutely stellar. This four hour event was akin to The Lord Of The Rings: pure epic spectacle of action, horror, storytelling, and characters.

I personally did not have a single flaw with the movie. It was, in my opinion, the best movie of the DC Extended Universe and a perfect example of why directors should always be allowed to put out their vision. Even if people don’t like it, it’s still their vision and tampering with it or destroying it to replace it with something else is nothing but fraudulence and disrespectful.

Mr. Zack Snyder, you have created a masterpiece that I will never forget. It’s been one hell of a journey for you and the fans and I was so happy to be a part of it. You have reignited my passion for storytelling and I hope to create superhero stories as you do.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League gets nothing else but a 10/10 rating. If you have HBO Max, please watch it.

You’re all SO SWEET for making it this far and I hope you all enjoyed this review! I write about anything geek related, especially comic book related stuff so if you want to stay up to date with all the reviews, news breakdowns, and lists I do, make sure to follow this blog or follow me on Twitter @MelodyMacReady ! Love you all!

Published by Melody MacReady

Just a girl with a love for all people and all nerdy goodness.

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