Why I Hate The Arkham Knight As A Villain

I usually avoid doing posts like this where I just talk about something that I hate since I try to promote positive thoughts when I can but this is one that I have to get off my chest since it has been bugging me since 2015. SPOILER WARNING FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOT PLAYED THE GAME!

Batman: Arkham Knight is a great game that I still have a blast playing every year but I will always say that the weakest part of the game is with the titular character himself: The Arkham Knight. This is not me hating on what Troy Baker brings to the table as the character since the performance is far from bad, it is great talent wasted on a terribly written character.

His Identity Is Too Predictable

The big aspect that’s supposed to hook you into the story is “Who is the Arkham Knight?” Who the hell is this guy? Why does he hate Batman so much? Why does he call himself the Arkham Knight? Is it someone we met or is this a brand new villain? Well, unfortunately, the truth about the Arkham Knight is a giant letdown that stems from the fact that I predicted his identity from the first time I saw him in marketing.

Yes, I called that he was Jason Todd. Now you might be wondering, “Well why would she hate Jason Todd? He’s one of the best villains from the comics, right?” Yes, he is but when your big mystery can be predicted in the first ten minutes of the game? That’s not good. Combine that with this being is a very poorly written and watered down version of Jason, it just ruins the character for me.

Now I would agree that maybe I predicted it because I’m a comic book fan but the game itself does a poor job hiding his identity when out of nowhere, Batman starts having flashbacks to Jason Todd’s torture and death when there has been ZERO mention of Jason once in any previous game in the series! At that point, you might as well have a sticker on Jason Todd’s chest saying, “I AM THE ARKHAM KNIGHT!”

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He’s Not A Threat In The Least

They set up the Arkham Knight as this anti-Batman who poses more of a threat than any other villain prior in Batman’s career but every time you run into the Knight, he either gets his ass handed to him by Batman, he runs away, or he lets Batman go due to orders from Scarecrow. That’s the other thing: for pretty much the entirety of the game, The Arkham Knight is just a pawn for another villain…which instantly makes him less scary when he takes orders from someone like SCARECROW.

And then you have his voice which would have been so much better if it was just Troy Baker doing his work but no, they decide to give the character a voice modulator but not just a voice modulator but one that has a grating scratchy and high pitched effect to it that’s constantly screaming in your ear since that’s all Arkham Knight does.

He doesn’t have the calm, cocky, and threatening presence that Jason Todd is known for but instead, he just shouts and rants like a twelve year old having a temper tantrum. Then when he loses the modulator for the final fight against him, Jason keeps sounding like he’s about to break down crying. How am I supposed to find this villain engaging when he comes off as an angsty teen who’s angry because his Dad didn’t get him the right smartphone for his sweet sixteen?

Finally, you have his suit which is just an ugly mess: the visor is kind of cool but then it turns how he wears…two helmets? One for the Arkham Knight and one for Red Hood? Okay, so Arkham Knight was all just a convoluted way of hiding that he’s just a re-skinned Red Hood? The rest of his suit is just as busy and ugly.

Horrible Boss Fights

Hey so this is Jason Todd, right? The guy that Batman trained which would make him one of the most skilled martial artists on the planet, right? So why the hell am I constantly fighting him in vehicles? I should be battling him in a boss fight that makes the Deathstroke fight from Origins look tame but instead I’m stuck in the Batmobile dealing with either the easiest or most tedious vehicle bosses in the whole game. I love the Batmobile in the game but this was the one time I could have gone without!

And even when we finally get a face to face fight with Jason, it’s just a simple predator room that’s easier than some of the previous predator encounters in the game and all you have to do to beat Jason is grapple up to him three times. THAT’S IT! There’s not even any quick time events, it’s all just the same three actions all scripted! LAAAAME!

His Identity Reveal Raises A Lot Of Questions

Why does he call himself the Arkham Knight? Think about it: the name is never explained because the moment you learn that he’s Jason Todd and beat him, you never speak with him again so…literally was he called Arkham Knight just to be a way to throw you off the scent of Jason Todd?

So wait…Batman had three Robins in 12 years? Yes, Arkham Knight is supposed to take place in Batman’s twelfth year as Gotham’s Guardian and if that’s not already dumb enough seeing how he ends his career in this game, we’re supposed to believe that in twelve years: Batman trained Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake along with Barbara Gordon as Oracle/Batgirl in a twelve year span? Yeah, no. Especially since Dick, Jason, and Tim are all around the same age.

So…why was he taking orders from Scarecrow? Jason controls the militia and his entire purpose is to kill Batman. Why did he bother siding with Scarecrow when they had totally different plans? He could have stormed Gotham and killed everyone with his militia.

His Reasoning For Hating Batman Makes No Sense

I get that they couldn’t do the classic Red Hood story what with Joker being dead and all but that is no excuse for the most facepalm-worthy motive I’ve seen for a villain in some time: he’s mad because Batman “replaced” him with Tim Drake. Are you serious? THAT is the big motivator for storming Gotham with an occupation force? The reason you want to kill Batman? What next, Batman didn’t tuck you in enough?

This goes back to what I was saying before that Jason is like a child throwing a tantrum: it makes him so not imposing as a villain that you can’t take him seriously. Did he forget that he was basically a replacement for Dick Grayson? Now, one could make the argument that Joker turned Jason against Bruce which is not a bad idea but Jason doesn’t even commit to this! If he’s so mad about being replaced, why go after Barbara Gordon when he could have gone after Tim Drake (WHO WAS COMPLETELY WASTED IN THIS STORY UNTIL HIS DLC CHAPTER BY THE WAY -_- ) and made Batman choose between two sons! Instead, we get emo-Jason who doesn’t quite get the whole revenge thing.

Damian Wayne Should Have Been The Arkham Knight

Damian is my least favorite Bat-Family member of all time but at least him being the Arkham Knight would have actually been a decent twist! Think about it: who died in Arkham City? Talia Al Ghul And Ra’s Al Ghul. Hell, Ra’s was impaled by the Arkham logo! So let’s say that Arkham Knight took place during Batman’s twentieth year of his career instead of the twelfth. Damian never became Robin and he obviously would have a good reason for blaming Batman for both his mother and grandfather’s deaths. The Arkham Knight name could stem from him wanting to avenge his mother’s death and finish what his grandfather started with Arkham City! Sure, it would have been an odd change but at least it would have made more sense than Jason Todd.

Anyway, I think I’ve vented enough about this character. I know there are some who liked this portrayal of Jason Todd but me, I think it is a terrible villain from start to finish. What do you think? Do you like him or hate him? Let me know in the comments!

You’re all SO SWEET for making it this far and I hope you all enjoyed this review! I write about anything geek related, especially comic book related stuff so if you want to stay up to date with all the reviews, news breakdowns, and lists I do, make sure to follow this blog or follow me on Twitter @MelodyMacReady ! Love you all!

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Published by Melody MacReady

Just a girl with a love for all people and all nerdy goodness.

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