FINALLY! After years of director changes, actor changes, script rewrites, so much speculation as to what this new Batman suit would look like and BAM! The genius that is Mr. Matt Reeves surprises us with this test footage showing off our first look at Robert Pattinson as Batman and his fancy new Batsuit!

What are my immediate thoughts?

To quote Obadiah Stane from the first Iron Man: “I LOVE THIS SUIT!”

Granted, we have not seen every single detail of it but I have seen enough to know that I am very impressed by it. The first thing that gets my attention is actually the new insignia upon the chestplate and OMFG, it looks so good! My favorite Bat-symbols are always the ones that can be both iconic and unique at the same time and that is definitely the case here.

It looks like a Bat-symbol, no doubt about it but it is definitely unlike any cinematic symbol we’ve had in the past. The lack of ears and head harks back to the classic ’39 symbol from the comics but combined with the sharp ends, this leads many (including myself) to think that this symbol is actually detachable and becomes a Batarang. If this is true? TAKE ALL MY MONEY, REEVES! While I have always loved Ben Affleck’s suit, I was never the biggest fan of his more blocky symbol. It wasn’t bad but definitely one of my least favorite symbol whereas I can already guarantee that this is my favorite live action Batman symbol.

Next is the armor itself and…yeah, it’s definitely more armored this time. The shoulder guards combined with the more angular, sleek chestplate gives me vibes of Injustice, Arkham Knight, Arkham Origins and even a little bit of Year One with the more slim look mixed together into a cake pan and this is the beautiful dessert were are given. I think this is the kind of design that the nightmare Batman in Titans was going for but hasn’t come to fruition yet. I’m excited to see more of it!

So after that, the camera pans up and we see a side view of Pattinson in his cowl and once again, we don’t get the full look of it but from what I see? I like. Again, different but definitely iconic enough to make me smile. I like the handmade look of it as well as the battle damage it has. It makes me wonder if Batman is going to upgrade to a new suit for the climax in this movie much like in the Telltale game. Speaking of, I actually do get a Telltale vibe from this cowl’s design with a hint of the cowl from the 2004 animated series. I was a little disappointed that we didn’t get to see the ears because that’s usually the part of the cowl I’m always most interested to find out. Are they short like Affleck? Long like the Arkham games? Or are they more in the middle like Bale’s version? Well I guess we’ll just have to see, same with the fins on his gauntlets.


The last thing I want to talk about in the score which director Matt Reeves confirmed was done by the legendary Michael Giacchino and…yeah, it was great music. It perfectly fit that dark, eerie, yet epic tone that Danny Elfman and Shirley Walker perfected in Batman: The Animated Series. I can’t wait to hear more of it!

Overall, I love this first look! I think this new trend of DC movies giving us first looks at characters through these test footage clips is genius. I was on board with Joker, I was on board with Birds of Prey, and now I am DEFINITELY on board with The Batman. I can’t wait to see more of the suit and more importantly: reveals of the villains!

Hope you all enjoyed this quick little article! I write about anything geek related, especially comic book related stuff so if you want to stay up to date with all the reviews, news breakdowns, and lists I do, make sure to follow! Love you all!

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Published by Melody MacReady

Just a girl with a love for all people and all nerdy goodness.

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